Doxycycline is now recommended as first line treatment for Chlamydia by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, BASHH.
This is because, due to an increase in antibiotic resistance, Azithromycin is no longer as effective.
If you are allergic to Doxycycline you will be offered an alternative when completing your medical questionnaire consultation.
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Doxycline is a member of the group of antibiotics called tetracyclines.
It works by preventing protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria which inhibits their growth and therefore enables the body’s own immune system to eradicate the infection.
One Doxycycline 100mg capsule is to be taken twice a day for 7 days.
The capsules should be swallowed whole with plenty of fluid during meals. Space the doses evenly throughout the day and you must complete the course.
You should not take indigestion remedies, or medicines containing iron or zinc, 2 hours before or after Doxycycline as they can affect the absorption of the antibiotic, making it less effective.
Also, you should protect your skin from sunlight, even on a bright but cloudy day, and avoid sun beds or you may experience an unpleasant rash.
If you have been diagnosed with Chlamydia it’s highly recommended to inform any sexual partners, from the last 6 months, that they may be at risk in order that they can be screened and have treatment if required.
You should abstain from sex until you have completed all 7 days of treatment, and until symptoms have resolved.
It's also very important that any sexual partners complete the same course of antibiotics before any sexual activity to prevent re-infection.
The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, BASHH, recommend that a Test of cure, TOC, is done for diagnosed rectal infections 6 weeks after treatment.
You should not test before 6 weeks as it takes the dead DNA from the Chlamydia this length of time to clear from your system and if you test beforehand you may get a false positive.
Patient Information Leaflet for Doxycycline 100mg
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Medically reviewed by Dr Kate Antrobus MBBS DFSRH MRCGP28 April 2022
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