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cholesterol SELF-Check Test

A simple and reliable test to check whether your overall cholesterol level is within normal limits.

Check to make sure you're not at increased risk of heart and coronary disease.

The SELFCheck tests will be delivered by Royal Mail recorded delivery.


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A medical questionnaire and online prescription is required in order to purchase this medication.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty acid that is produced in your body in the liver, but you can also ingest these within your food and they are required for normal functioning of the body.

This fatty acid is know as 'Lipid'.

Proteins carry Cholesterol in the blood, and when the two combine they create 'Lipoproteins'. There are two main types of Lipoproteins, these are:

  • High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) - Often referred to as 'good cholesterol', carries cholesterol from the body to the liver where it is recycled or excreted. High levels of HDL are good because they help the body protect itself from cardiovascular disease.
  • Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) - Often referred to as 'bad cholesterol', carries cholesterol around the body and deposits it in the arteries, causing hardening of the arteries.

What should my cholesterol levels be?

Blood cholesterol is measured in units called millimoles per litre of blood, often shortened to mmol/L.

As a general guide, total cholesterol levels should be:

  • 5mmol/L or less for healthy adults
  • 4mmol/L or less for those at high risk
  • However, cholesterol is only one risk factor and the level at which specific treatment is required will depend on whether other risk factors, such as smoking and high blood pressure, are also present.

What's included in the test?

Each pack contains:

  • One test card
  • One micro lancet
  • One plaster
  • One instruction leaflet

How long does it take to see the results?

Results are visible within three minutes of the test being used

How do I use the test?

The test should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning.

Why should I test my Cholesterol levels?

  • Cholesterol is the least bothering but most worrying substance
  • High cholesterol coupled with other internal and external factors increase the risk of heart and coronary disease and stroke.
  • Two out of three people in the UK have raised cholesterol levels
  • Early detection allows early preventative action and effective treatment

Who should test their cholesterol levels?

  • Everyone, but it is strongly recommend in adults aged 40 and over
  • Strongly recommended for people suffering with Diabetes as they are at higher risk of heart and coronary disease

How often should Cholesterol levels be tested?

  • Every 5 years if you are between the ages of 40 and 75
  • Every 12 months if you are on cholesterol lowering medication
  • Any child of a parent with inherited high cholesterol (FH)  -  by the age of 10
  • First degree relatives of a person with FH - on being told of the risk

What action should I take if my Cholesterol result indicates it is outside the normal level?

High overall cholesterol is not necessarily and indicator of ill health (consider HDL and LDL - good and bad cholesterol levels)

Consult your Doctor for retesting and advice. Do not make any medical decisions without consulting your GP

Reducing external influences and increasing exercise, intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish oils and water, might help reduce cholesterol levels

What are the features/benefits of the SELFCheck cholesterol level test?

  • Provides a fast and reliable estimate of the total cholesterol level in the blood
  • Simple and easy to follow instructions
  • Provides early detection of potential high cholesterol
  • Easy to use - only a single drop of blood is required
  • No need to send off and wait for test results
  • Can be disposed of in normal household waste

Instruction  Leaflet

Medically reviewed by
4 April 2022

Visible results in just 3 minutes!

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