Complete your short medical questionnaire, then “select treatment” and go to CHECKOUT.
To purchase these products you must complete the consultation to make sure it is safe and suitable for you. Then you can select your preferred treatment.
Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) is a weekly self-injection that can help adults with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 to lose weight and keep it off. Also, if you are overweight with a BMI between 27-30 and another weight related condition like heart problems.
wegovy™ UK is a weekly injection. for adults with obesity (BMI ≥30) or overweight (excess weight) (BMI ≥27) who also have weight-related medical problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, to help them lose weight and keep it off.
The first UK licenced appetite suppressant self injection pen, Saxenda. Used once a day it can help you lose weight and keep the weight off. For adults with a BMI of 30 or more.
£73.80 / pen
Orlistat 60mg is the only clinically proven, pharmacy-only weight loss aid medicine in the UK that can be bought without a prescription. It can be bought as "Alli". For every 2lb you manage to lose, Alli can boost your weight loss by another 1lb.
£0.60 / capsule
Orlistat 60mg is the only clinically proven, pharmacy-only weight loss aid medicine in the UK. It can be bought as the branded "Alli" or the much cheaper branded "Orlos". Boost your weight loss by using Orlos on your weight loss journey.
£0.38 / capsule
Xenical, or Orlistat, in its generic form, works by reducing the amount of fat absorbed from your diet. Xenical can help you achieve 50% more weight loss than you would get from dieting alone.
£0.58 / tablet
Orlistat, the generic form of Xenical, works exactly in the same way as Xenical but is better value for money. For every 2lb you manage to lose through a healthy life style, Orlistat can boost your weight loss by another 1lb.
£0.42 / tablet
Carrying too much weight puts stress on your body which can lead to a variety of health issues.
By reducing the amount of fat cells in your body, you reduce the likelihood of getting very serious conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, liver disease, type II diabetes, osteoarthritis and high blood pressure. Being overweight also affects the respiratory system, with side effects such as sleep apnoea and asthma.
If you are overweight or clinically obese then you may suffer from low self-esteem or lack self-confidence and therefore losing weight can help you to regain confidence, increase your self-esteem and lower the risk of depression. It also helps improve the ratio of good to bad cholesterol; reduce blood pressure and inhibit the progression to type II diabetes.
Weight loss can be a difficult and daunting prospect, however clinical studies have shown that those who use Xenical / Orlistat alongside dieting can achieve 50% more weight loss than dieting alone.
Some Handy Tips for a Successful Weight Loss Journey
Above all, don't give up. If you blow it one day, put it behind you as tomorrow is another day! Your weight loss may stop and start but keep going and the outcome will be well worth it.
BMI stands for “Body Mass Index” and is a calculation made based on your height and weight.
Using the metric system, the formula is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in metres squared. That is weight kg/(height in metres)2 .
The BMI of an adult weighing 70kg and a height of 1.7m would be 70/(1.7)2 = 24.2 We can calculate your BMI for you if you put your height and weight ,in either metric or imperial figures, into our calculator on the Xenical / Orlistat medical questionnaire.
It is the marker for judging how much body fat you have and indicates whether you are overweight. People with a higher percentage of body fat tend to have a higher BMI, except for bodybuilders.
Carrying excess body fat, means that you are at increased risk of suffering health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. The normal BMI range for a healthy adult is 18.5 to 24.9 and anything more than this indicates that you are overweight.
BMI indicator for adults
OVERWEIGHT BMI 25-29.9OBESE BMI 30 and aboveBy losing weight and therefore reducing your BMI you can greatly improve your general health and increase your life expectancy.
Medically reviewed by Dr Kate Antrobus MBBS DFSRH MRCGP06 March 2025
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