This is the generic form of Propecia but is much cheaper and equally effective.
Can be used for men with mild to moderate hair loss and to maximise the hair after a hair transplant.
You can choose from the Accord brand or save more money by selecting "Generic" brand and we will send you the brand that we currently have in stock.
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Finasteride 1mg tablets inhibit the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in your body, allowing natural re-growth. This treatment is very effective in men with a mild to moderate amount of hair loss, not solely in the temple area and results are usually apparent after a few months; with significant improvements being recorded for up to five years after beginning treatment.
Propecia, manufactured by Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD), was introduced to treat this problem but the UK patent expired in October 2014 and therefore other pharmaceutical companies could then manufacture a generic equivalent of Propecia, called finasteride 1mg.
A lot of our customers prefer to continue with the brand that they have received previously, especially after having a hair transplant. This brand is usually the "Aindeem" brand. They have confidence in it and want to continue to take it.
Aindeem was manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Actavis but Actavis was acquired by Accord who supply finasteride with their own branding. Accord are manufacturing their brand to the same recipe as Actavis so you should not notice any difference apart from the packaging.
We have also introduced a "generic" brand which is the best value for money. The brand supplied will vary from time to time.
Clinical trials conducted by MSD showed that finasteride 1mg helps to reverse the balding process, with 90% of people seeing either increased hair growth or prevention of further hair loss.
It may take 3 to 6 months for the full effect to develop. It is important to keep taking it as, if you stop taking finasteride, you are likely to lose the hair you have gained within 9-12 months.
Finasteride is most effective when used to treat hair loss on the crown of the head or both the crown and temples; it may not yield the same results when hair loss is limited to the temple area only.
Finasteride 1mg is for use by men only and should not be used by women or children. One tablet should be taken daily, with or without food.
Any benefit from taking Finasteride 1mg will be reversed within a year of discontinuing the course of medication.
Should I use finasteride after a hair transplant?
Hair transplant surgeons recommend that you use finasteride 1mg daily to promote hair growth after a transplant. It will prevent further hair loss and reduce the potential failure of your hair transplant.
Side effects are uncommon but you may experience
Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle broken or crushed finasteride tablets. If finasteride is absorbed through the skin or taken by mouth by a woman pregnant with a male foetus, the child may be born with malformed genital organs. The tablets are film-coated, which prevents contact with finasteride provided the tablets are not broken or crushed.
Patient Information Leaflet for Finasteride 1mg
Fifty percent of all men experience male-patterned baldness
Medically reviewed by Dr Kate Antrobus MBBS DFSRH MRCGP4 February 2022
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