It is now possible to stop or slow down hair loss in the majority of men.
To purchase these products you must complete the consultation to make sure it is safe and suitable for you. Then you can select your preferred treatment.
Finasteride is one of the most effective treatments for general hair loss preventing further hair loss and increases hair growth. Buy Finasteride Tablets & pills online from Webmed Pharmacy today.
from £0.79 / tablet
from £0.57 / tablet
from £0.52 / tablet
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Men no longer have to live with noticeable hair loss as Propecia is a very effective treatment for this condition.
£1.37 / tablet
Living with noticeable hair loss is no longer to be expected due to the incredible developments that have been made in the treatment of men’s hair loss. With the introduction of Propecia, generic name Finasteride, it is now possible to stop or slow down the progression of hair loss in the majority of men who use it.
Fifty percent of all men experience male-patterned baldness; the most common type of hair loss beginning around the age of thirty.
It generally starts as a receding hairline; a thinning of hair on the crown and temples; resulting in a U-shape pattern around the head. In some rare cases, a male may end up completely bald.
The condition is genetic; caused by an abundance of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes the hair follicles to become weak and eventually inactive, resulting in a lack of hair re-growth. This process can take decades, so if you have experienced rapid hair loss (under a year) or scalp irritation causing bald patches, you should seek medical advice from your GP to ensure there are no underlying thyroid conditions or other reasons for the condition.
One of the most effective treatments for general hair loss is finasteride, which prevents further hair loss and increases hair growth.
Medically reviewed by Dr Kate Antrobus MBBS DFSRH MRCGP04 February 2023
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