From January 1st 2024 - The New Medicated Weight Loss Support From WebMed

Posted 15 December 2023

WM Image of Woman ExercisingWhat is the new medicated WebMed Weight Loss Support ?

Not only will we provide you with the medication to control your appetite but lots of support along the way.

Buy Wegovy from Webmed Our mission is to provide you with the best tips and advice to help you reach your health and wellness goals. We understand that taking care of yourself can be difficult, so we’re here to help! Here, you can find delicious recipes for healthy meals, exercise videos and weekly Wellness Coach sessions to help you stay on track.

What help will I get?

WM RecipesFirst, let’s talk about healthy recipes. Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. We offer a variety of tasty recipes that are packed with nutrients and easy to prepare. From breakfast to dinner, our recipes are sure to please your taste buds and keep you feeling energized.

Gemma Fitness CoachSecond, let’s talk about exercise. Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our fitness coach Gemma has designed and easy but effective course of exercise videos designed to help you get moving and stay motivated.

Finally, let’s talk about our weekly Wellness Coach sessions. Our coach is a healthcare professional who will help you to reach your health and wellness goals.

How will the Coach optimise my Weight Loss?

Kim Wellness CoachOur coach Kim will provide personalized and tailored advice to help you reach your goals. Kim can help you develop a realistic plan to reach your goal weight. She can help you identify unhealthy habits and behaviours that may be hindering your progress and help you create healthy habits to replace them. Kim can also provide motivation, accountability, and ongoing support throughout the process, helping you create a positive mindset and outlook about your weight loss journey. Most importantly she can provide support and encouragement and help you find the strength to keep going when the going gets tough.

Importance of sleep and water consumption when losing weight?

Sleep and water consumption are two of the most important aspects of any weight loss plan. The quality and quantity of sleep you get each night can have a huge impact on how successful you are in achieving your weight loss goals. Not getting enough sleep can lead to fatigue and cravings, as well as decreased motivation and focus.

drinkSimilarly, drinking enough water is essential for weight loss as it helps to keep the body hydrated, enabling it to function optimally as it plays a crucial role in our overall health. When it comes to losing weight, drinking enough water is often overlooked, but it can be a key factor in achieving weight loss goals. Sometimes when we feel hungry, we are actually just thirsty. By drinking water before and during meals, we can prevent overeating and consume fewer calories overall.

Can water help with digestion?

Water is essential for proper digestion. When we are dehydrated, our bodies can struggle to digest food, which can lead to bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues. By drinking enough water, we can help our bodies properly digest food and prevent these issues.

Does drinking water help to reduce water retention?

When we are dehydrated, our bodies tend to hold onto water to prevent dehydration. This can lead to water retention, which can cause bloating and make it appear as though we have gained weight. By drinking enough water, we can help our bodies flush out excess water and reduce water retention.

How much water should you drink when trying to lose weight?

water dropThe amount of water you should drink when trying to lose weight can vary depending on your weight, activity level, and other factors. As a general guideline, it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. However, some experts recommend drinking even more water, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Why is sleep important for weight loss?                  

Sleep iconSleep is important for weight loss as it helps to regulate hormones and curb cravings. During sleep, the body produces hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Not getting enough sleep can lead to an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which triggers hunger, and a decrease in the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to an increase in cortisol, a stress hormone that can lead to fat storage. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to keep hormones in balance and cravings at bay. In addition to helping regulate hormones, getting enough sleep also contributes to weight loss by providing energy for physical activity. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to decreased motivation and fatigue, which can prevent you from engaging in physical activity. Getting plenty of sleep will help ensure success on your weight loss journey.

WebMed will provide you with the tools and advice to get you to your goal weight and more importantly stay there.

Buy Wegovy from Webmed Find out more

Medically reviewed by
Superintendent pharmacist Margaret Hudson BSc(Hons) MRPharmS
11th December 2023

Posted in Weight Loss

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