Posted 22 July 2020
It's been a good start to the weight loss journey using Saxenda. Lost a couple of pounds and managed to reduce my appetite from gargantuan to semi reasonable at meal times.
There is just one little thing which is more of a challenge... I eat when I'm not hungry. All the usual things which will be familiar to some. Here's just a few:
Get the picture? This has to be a discussion with my brain to tell it food is not a therapy and I need to manage the emotions which cause me to turn to food for comfort. No appetite suppressant can do this for me but I can do it.
Here's the question my brain has to answer 'Are you really hungry or is it something else?'
I also have a cunning plan to help me to overcome the habits which led me to become overweight in the first place. One step at a time and all that. Replacements. These emotions don't go away overnight so in these moments of madness I need to have a replacement which does not amount to 500-1000 calories.
OK so emotional eating plan in place. Check.
What about Saxenda I hear you ask. It's a doddle and really explicit directions in written form and in video format help enormously. A little daily jab in the soft tissue area and it's all done and you really don't feel a thing.
Buy Saxenda from Webmed from only £75 Find out more I didn't feel too much of a difference through this first week but as of yesterday I increased my dose as per the instructions and I can feel a change in my appetite for the better. Who knew I could eat a normal portion and leave a little?
Parting thoughts are that food really isn't a therapy and if you're having some challenging emotions you need to learn to deal with them and until you do- find some lower calorie replacements!
Until next week, take good care x
NHS weight loss plan
Saxenda food diary [Adobe PDF, 2MB]
Posted in Saxenda Weight Loss Articles, Weight Loss
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