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Why businesses are ordering Covid-19 private PCR tests

Posted 27 November 2020 in Men's Health, Womens health

Swab testingWith Covid-19 cases holding firm in many parts of the UK, it’s no surprise that some businesses and individuals are taking testing matters into their own hands.

While NHS tests are rightly reserved for those who have Covid symptoms – the main ones being a new and continuous cough, a loss of taste or smell, or a high temperature – private antigen testing, which detects if you currently are positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that leads to Covid-19, is also available.

This provides a safety net for those who are concerned they have been exposed to someone with the virus or who have been away to a high-risk location. They are also providing invaluable to some businesses that want to provide regular testing for staff to help minimise risks within the workforce and even television companies that want to keep their crews and cast safe.

There are clear advantages to providing regular testing, but it is essential that any kits you order are CE marked because these are the only ones that meet the Government’s stringent quality standards.

There could be other reasons why you want to have peace of mind and order a test: as we face the end of the autumn university term and students head back to home for the Christmas break this month (December 2020), ordering a PCR swab kit on their return to the household could help to provide additional peace of mind for families during the festive season.

Americas Cup sailing boatOver the past few months, we have seen a growing number of organisations requesting these tests and we even managed the Covid testing programme for INEOS TEAM UK as part of their preparations to travel to New Zealand to compete in the  forthcoming America’s Cup, racing in a yacht that was assisted in the design  by the Mercedes AMG Formula 1 Team.

So, what does each test do?

Covid-19 home tests

If you are ineligible for an NHS antigen (Covid-19) test, it is possible to order a private polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab test to carry out in your own home.

These antigen swab tests are exactly the same as those used by the NHS and they can detect if you have SARS-CoV-2, the virus that leads to Covid-19, if you have symptoms or if you were in contact with someone between one and five days prior who has tested positive.

While the test will pick up if you are positive or negative at the time, it is important to remember that it could take up to two weeks for you to display symptoms.

The swab test involves taking a single combined swab of your mouth and then your nose. It works by detecting RNA (ribonucleic acid), which provides the genetic information of the virus to establish if someone has the virus, even very early on in the infection stage.

The good news is that these tests are very accurate, too. The PCR swab assays we use are from The Doctors Laboratory, which is the largest independent provider of clinical laboratory diagnostic services in the UK and which also supplies the NHS. They have a minimum sensitivity of 98%, which means the rate for detecting an individual as having the virus is extremely high. This results in very few false positives. They also have a specificity of 100%, which means all individuals without the virus are correctly identified as being healthy.

Antibody tests

Antibody tests are designed to tell you if you have had Covid-19 – not if you are currently infected.

These simple-to-use CE-marked tests are different from the antigen tests as they require a small sample of blood, produced by using a sterile lancet that is supplied in the testing kit.

The lancet is used to prick the side of your middle or ring finger and then a small amount of blood is deposited into the collection tube.

We supply the Roche Diagnostics Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay, which is approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulations Authority (MHRA) and is UKAS (ISO15189) accredited.

It is a tried and tested procedure, with a minimum sensitivity of 97.4% and a specificity of 100% and has been evaluated as a total antibody assay that will detect both IgG and IgM antibodies.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies are the most common and are found in the blood and body fluids. They protect against both bacterial and viral infections. Immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies are mainly located in the blood and lymph fluid and are the first antibodies the body makes when it is fighting a new infection.

It is important to note that you should not consider having an antibody test until 14 days after exposure to someone with Covid-19 or onset of symptoms of the virus. This is because the body will not have developed sufficient antibodies to be detected by the test.

However, if you believe you may have had the virus but not developed any symptoms (ie, you were asymptomatic) in the past few months, the antibody test may well be suitable.

If your test comes back positive for antibodies, it means you have had Covid-19. However, because little is understood about our immune response to SARS-CoV-2, it is not safe to assume you are fully or partially immune from future infection because it is not yet known how long immunity can last.

It is crucial, therefore, that you continue to follow the Government’s social distancing guidelines.

Want to order a test?

Order a PCR test or antibody test between Monday and Friday before 4pm, you will receive it the next working day via courier (you can upgrade the delivery option if ordering on a Friday to ensure Saturday delivery). Once you have completed the PCR swab test, place the sample in the pre-paid envelope and post it in a priority postbox. Blood samples can be posted in any post box. You will receive the results of the PCR test between 48 and 72 hours after the lab has taken delivery of the sample and between 24-48 hours for the antibody test.

You can find out more about our antigen PCR tests and antibody tests, but if you have any queries or need to speak to us about bulk ordering swab test kits for your business, sports team or organisation, you can contact us at: or by phone on: 0161 491 1899. We’re open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

Written by: Jayne Howarth, November 27th 2020.

How does obesity affect Covid-19?

Posted 9 November 2020 in Weight Loss

Do you know your BMI?We are still very much in the grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, with more restrictions coming into effect across the country to try to stem the spread of the virus.

Many of us are doing what we can to stay safe – reducing social contacts, wearing masks when shopping and working from home, if possible - but what else can we do to minimise our risk?

While most people who develop Covid-19 will be either asymptomatic (no symptoms) or have a mild form of the disease, some will go on to develop serious symptoms and will need hospital treatment.

While there remain many unknowns about coronavirus, we know there are myriad factors that affect an individual’s risk.(1) These include age, comorbidities (having other illnesses, such as heart disease, some cancers, and respiratory conditions), and being overweight or obese.

Although there is no evidence to suggest that being overweight or obese increases the risk of actually catching the virus, scientists know that having too much body fat increases the risk of developing a more severe type of Covid-19.(2)

In fact, a review of 75 international studies showed that obesity is a significant risk factor for illness and death due to Covid-19(3): compared to those who are a “normal” weight or even overweight, people who were obese were twice as likely to need hospital treatment.

Once in hospital, obese patients were 75% more likely to have to need intensive care treatment. They were also nearly 50% more likely to die from the virus.

When you consider that almost two-thirds of adults in England are classed as being overweight or obese(4) – when measured as Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25 – these are sobering statistics.

It’s important to understand that the risks vary from person to person and it doesn’t mean that if you are obese and test positive for Covid-19 that you will definitely develop a severe form of the illness. But you might decide that now is a good time to start thinking more about your health and your weight.

Why is obesity a significant risk factor?

Public Health England has estimated that if you have a BMI of 35 to 40, it could increase your risk of dying from Covid-19 by 40%. If you have a BMI over 40 that risk increases by 90%.(5)

When the body stores excess fat, it is stored in the liver and in the skeletal muscle, as well as in the lungs. It means that the additional fat can affect the respiratory system and the body’s immune response to fighting infection. Research(6) has shown that obesity could cause what’s called a “hyperactive immune system response” to Covid-19, which makes it far more difficult for the body to fight the virus.

This overactive immune response can lead to a cytokine storm. Cytokines are small proteins that stop viruses from reproducing, but if the body’s immune response goes into overdrive it releases too many of them. It’s not a complication unique to Covid-19, though; it’s common in other respiratory diseases, too.

Other health problems linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure, can also lead to complications if you have Covid-19.

It is why the Government launched its campaign(7) in the summer to try to encourage us to manage our weight better.

We know it’s not always easy to lose weight – even when we know it’s the right thing to do. While we understand that it’s about eating less and moving more, there are other issues that could impact on our desire to lose a few pounds, including lifestyle and lack of motivation.

And how many of us have started to shed the pounds, only to put it back on (and sometimes more) when we’ve stopped paying attention to what we put in our mouths?

Helping you to lose weight

If you’ve tried to diet, or you have a medical condition, such as type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or hypothyroidism,  or you’re on a medication that makes it difficult to lose weight, you may need medical intervention to help you lose weight.

Buy Saxenda from Webmed from only £75 Find out more If you are clinically obese, with a BMI of at least 28 with co-morbidities or 30 without, you could be suitable for an effective appetite suppressant that has been clinically proven to assist people wanting to lose weight: Saxenda.

Saxenda is the UK’s only licensed appetite suppressant and it is only available on private prescription.

How does it work?

The body produces glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) - a hormone that helps to regulate appetite - and Saxenda, which was originally developed as a therapy for diabetics and approved for use in Europe in 2009, works like GLP-1. It acts on brain receptors, which in turn helps to control your appetite, which can help you to reduce how much you eat.

Used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet and an exercise plan, Saxenda can help you lose weight and keep it off.

How do I take it?

Saxenda is a pre-filled pen containing 18mg of liraglutide in a 3ml of solution and you simply inject it just under the skin - usually upper arm, thigh, or stomach once a day. The dose gradually increases from just 0.6mg in the first week up to 3mg by week five; this enables your body to gradually get used to the treatment, helping to minimise any side effects that often occurs with weight-loss products.

You can read more about how Saxenda can help you to lose weight sensibly and how you can get an assessment from our doctors to see if it is right for you.


  2. (accessed October 27 2020)
  4. 6)
  5. (accessed October 30 2020)
  6. The Collision of Meta-Inflammation and SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Infection. Endocrinology. September 2020. DOI:

Written by: Jayne Howarth, October 30th 2020.

Diary of a yo-yo dieter - Is Saxenda a miracle cure?

Posted 25 September 2020 in Saxenda Weight Loss Articles, Weight Loss

A woman standing on scales, happy with her weight lossRemember me? 

Let's recap a bit...

Like so many people I reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic badly (was there any other way?) by eating and drinking myself into a 21lb weight gain from March 2020. I've been a Coach for WW ( formerly Weight Watchers) so I know a bit about losing weight and keeping it off. I know my default reaction to any signs of stress is to reach for the good stuff like Sauvignon Blanc, gin cocktails and shed loads of calorie filled sugary rubbish but I thought I was over it.

WRONG. I reverted to type and did everything I had been advising myself and everyone else in my WW workshop against for the past umpteen years. Who can blame me, it's a global pandemic and poor me needs to find comfort...

I just could not get out of my self pity to get a grip and manage myself out of the vicious cycle I had created.

I switched on the TV and watched Joe Wicks for inspiration because exercise is the answer. It will help my mental health and will cure my eating addiction. It didn't work so I turned over to YouTube and found some lively dance class which nearly killed me. I even joined an online Gym ( you know where this one is going to go).

Nothing worked as well as I wanted it to so I needed to find the answer which was not in my toolbox. I found Saxenda (an appetite suppressant) which I ordered online and when it arrived I hoped that all my worries and ghastly eating habits were about to end.

I read the instructions carefully and stored the simple to use pens in the fridge which were to be used to inject a little dose of magic into myself everyday to cure me.

Buy Saxenda from Webmed from only £50 Find out more The first week was a breeze as I mastered the technique and gradually could feel my mighty appetite actually reducing! Am I thin yet I kept asking myself-nope not yet! so inject again and maybe tomorrow.

Week 2 saw my portion sizes reduce by half and I had little desire to snack in between meals so I was hopeful.

Ok so heading to week 3 and it was time to step on the scales..

I had lost weight! Hurrah at last my body was behaving and doing what I knew it was capable of all along. I just needed a little help to get me kick started, see some progress and then I would add in the healthy habits I know are needed to continue the journey.

So, while all along you knew that there is no miracle cure for weight loss, what we do need for success is to use all the tools we can get and Saxenda is exactly that! Alongside a healthy eating and exercise programme you can achieve your goals. 

I’m glad to report that I’ve lost 30lbs and feeling better than I’ve done for a long time 😊

Good luck on your journey and remember to be successful you need to use all of the tools available to you and Saxenda is the best tool in your toolbox!


Diary of a yo-yo dieter - Week 2

Posted 22 July 2020 in Saxenda Weight Loss Articles, Weight Loss

Does Saxenda reduce your appetite?

A food dilemma - caught between healthy options and junk foodIt's been a good start to the weight loss journey using Saxenda. Lost a couple of pounds and managed to reduce my appetite from gargantuan to semi reasonable at meal times.

There is just one little thing which is more of a challenge... I eat when I'm not hungry. All the usual things which will be familiar to some. Here's just a few:

  • It's 11am & I need something with my coffee.
  • I've had a really busy afternoon & I need something to make me feel better.
  • I'm driving home & it will be ages until dinner.
  • I was 'good' at dinner time so I can have something now.
  • Can you add to my list?

Get the picture? This has to be a discussion with my brain to tell it food is not a therapy and I need to manage the emotions which cause me to turn to food for comfort. No appetite suppressant can do this for me but I can do it.

Does the jab help with cravings?

Here's the question my brain has to answer 'Are you really hungry or is it something else?'

I also have a cunning plan to help me to overcome the habits which led me to become overweight in the first place. One step at a time and all that. Replacements. These emotions don't go away overnight so in these moments of madness I need to have a replacement which does not amount to 500-1000 calories.

OK so emotional eating plan in place. Check.

How do I use the pen?

What about Saxenda I hear you ask. It's a doddle and really explicit directions in written form and in video format help enormously. A little daily jab in the soft tissue area and it's all done and you really don't feel a thing.

Buy Saxenda from Webmed from only £75 Find out more I didn't feel too much of a difference through this first week but as of yesterday I increased my dose as per the instructions and I can feel a change in my appetite for the better. Who knew I could eat a normal portion and leave a little?

Parting thoughts are that food really isn't a therapy and if you're having some challenging emotions you need to learn to deal with them and until you do- find some lower calorie replacements!

Until next week, take good care x

Some helpful links :-

  1. NHS weight loss plan

  2. Saxenda food diary [Adobe PDF,  2MB]

Diary of a yo-yo dieter

Posted 14 July 2020 in Saxenda Weight Loss Articles, Weight Loss

A set of scales being stood on, with HELP! shown on the LCD displayI'm fed up being fat. To be fair, I’m not always fat; I’ve spent my life trying different fad diets and meal plans, with different levels of success. However, since lock down started back in March 2020, I’ve become the heaviest I’ve ever been and it's getting me down now. It's all very understandable; stress with the virus, the speedy adaptation to home working and the never-ending stream of communication from every source and none of it very reassuring.

I said I would gain skills not weight in lock down but that plan didn't happen.

Buy Saxenda from Webmed from only £75 Find out more It's mid July now and I've gained 21lbs. Nothing fits me and I have done the thing I said I would never do and I bought bigger clothes. This only makes me feel more comfortable but it certainly does not make me look any better.

The trouble is I'm a WW Coach- a Weight Watchers Coach... Furloughed due to Covid-19 and not practising any of the key elements of this plan which includes tracking food, moving more and creating the right mindset for weight loss. Spectacular fail after maintaining a steady weight for a long number of years. That's a global pandemic for you!

I tried hard to put some rescue remedy into practise and I joined an online Gym after much persuasion from the owner. Sounded great and I did some of the workouts in my living room with all the furniture moved out of the way. Brilliant! Lost 6lbs in my first week then did my back in moving the furniture back when I was finished one day...

Back to square one eating and drinking my way out of my own misery. I know this is not a solution and will only pave a downwards spiral into more misery and weight gain so I had to do SOMETHING but what?

SaxendaI looked online and found something which might just be the answer-Saxenda. A little helping hand to get me on track to a better way of managing given I already know how to lose weight.

It's day one and I injected myself for the first time this morning-didn't feel a thing which is no surprise as I injected into my stomach area.

So here's to a record of my successful journey where I would like to lose weight, feel better and get some control back because I know I can do it.

Check in next week and I'll let you know how I get on x

Where can I find Saxenda?

Saxenda is usually only prescribed privately as the manufacturer does not intend for it to be promoted within the NHS. (1)

It is now available to purchase from Webmed Pharmacy following a simple online assessment by our Doctors - click here to see your options to buy Saxenda and find out if it's suitable for you.


  1. NICE. Obese, overweight with risk factors: liraglutide (Saxenda) – Estimated impact for the NHS [cited 24 March 2019]. Available at:

Test for Covid-19

Posted 11 April 2020 in Men's Health, Womens health

Virus White BackgroundThe rate of Covid-19 (coronavirus) infection in the UK continues to increase rapidly every day and so we have introduced a simple swab test that you can perform, in the comfort of your own home, to find out if you have an active current infection.

If you suspect that you have been exposed to the coronavirus due to you having recently travelled to a high-risk country,  you think you may have come into contact with someone who has Covid-19 or you have symptoms then you can test 5 or more days post exposure.

COVID-19 swab test kit

It's a simple swab test  to find out if you have an active infection.

- Swab of the mouth and nose

- Post to lab in a pre-paid envelope

- Results in 48 hrs of the lab receiving the sample

- UK Accredited lab

Symptoms may not appear for up to two weeks after you have become infected with the virus. This means that it is possible to spread the virus without having any symptoms.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

  1. A high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  2. A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  3. Fatigue
  4. Shortness of breath

What is the test?

The test involves taking a single combined swab of your mouth and then your nose. The swab is then posted in any post box in a 1st Class pre-paid envelope. Once the test sample reaches the lab we receive the test results within 48 hours.

This swab test is not to be confused with the Chinese Home Rapid Tests that were found to be unreliable and we do not recommend.

Click here to purchase your Covid-19 home test kit.

The test is performed by The Doctors Laboratory, who provide quality UK accredited pathology services worldwide. The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) is a medically-led laboratory, established in 1987. It is the largest independent provider of clinical laboratory diagnostic services in the UK.

Important advice for everyone regarding Covid-19 from the NHS

Written by: Superintendent pharmacist Margaret Hudson BSc(Hons)MRPharmS 10/04/20

Get your prescription delivered anonymously to a location of your choice by dpd

Posted 22 November 2019 in Allergies, Erectile Dysfunction, Hair Loss, Men's Health, Sexual Health, Weight Loss, Womens health

All of our treatments and tests are guaranteed next working day delivery in a 1 hour time slot by dpd to all mainland UK*.

DPD update

Discrete packaging

At WebMed one of our most popular FAQ’s is what sort of packaging will it come in?

We understand the need for discreet packaging and there is no mention of what’s inside or where its from. Here is a picture of a typical dpd Expresspak bag used.

DPD packaging

Predict & Follow my parcel

dpd are our preferred carrier with their industry-leading predict and follow my parcel service. With this service you will receive a message via your chosen method, SMS or email at approximately 8am, on the day of delivery giving you your one hour delivery window. It also allows you in real time map to track the progress of your parcel all the way down to a 15 minute window so you don’t have to wait in all day.

In-flight options

If you are not going to be home, you will be offered other options:

On the day you place your order you will receive a confirmation message by your chosen method, giving you the option to divert your parcel to the nearest dpd Pickup Shop. This could be close to home, or work or on your journey and many of the stores have extended opening times.

Divert to a Pickup Shop is also available at checkout. All deliveries must be signed for unless you ask for it to be left in a safe place (includes posting through your letterbox) where you will be asked to accept a disclaimer.

All of this excellent service is included within your price. No hidden extras at the checkout.

Webmed use dpd as our preferred courier to deliver to all mainland UK*.
*Excluding the Scottish Highlands and islands where we use Royal Mail Special Delivery.

DPD are the 'delivery company of choice' for the biggest and best-known retailers and are the UK's number one next-day specialist.

Today in the UK, DPD delivers over 200 million parcels a year, employs over 12,000 people  and operates more than 7,000 vehicles from 65 locations.


Saturday and Sunday deliveries

At checkout we offer the option for Saturday or Sunday delivery to all mainland UK (except the Scottish Highlands and islands) by dpd for just a small cost of only £2.00.

For the Scottish Highlands, Northern Island, Scilly Isles and the Isle of Man we use Royal Mail Special Delivery offering a Saturday delivery for £4.00.

DPD Innovations

dpd have led the way with innovative technology including the “Your dpd App”, now used by more than 3.5million people.

dpd’s new £150m hub

Work is well underway on a new state-of-the-art hub in Hinkley, Leicestershire which is equivalent to 22 football pitches. Making it the largest parcel hub in Europe.

dpd Opens electric vehicle hub in central London

October 2018 saw the opening of dpd’s first all-electric vehicle depot in Westminster which will be delivering up to 2,000 parcels. They are using a fleet of 10 Nissan eNV200 all-electric vans for the last mile delivery which have a capability of making 120 drops per day. They plan to have 550 electric vehicles by 2021.

Webmed Pharmacy uses dpd as we want to offer our customers the best delivery service in the UK.

Cuts to sexual health service budgets – the rise of home testing and treatment

Posted 8 November 2019 in Sexual Health

A pipette dripping blue chemicals into a test tube of yellow chemicals. Source: medicalimages.comIn recent years, the government has cut funds for public health services across the country. One of the most drastically affected areas is sexual health – between 2016/17 and 2017/18, the budget for sexual health services provided by local authorities was slashed by around 30%. (1)

This has led to the closure of several sexual health clinics nationwide. For the general public, this means more people will be looking at STI home testing and treatment as an option.

What is the difference between STIs and STDs?

In recent decades, there has been a shift from referring to STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) towards referring to STIs (sexually transmitted infections) - in fact, the NHS website refers solely to STIs, with no mention of STDs at all.

This is because not only does the word ‘disease’ hold more grave connotations, but ‘infection’ is the more accurate description since many cases of STIs experience no symptoms, contradicting the image of illness that ‘disease’ implies.

Furthermore, the infection leads to the potential disease, and the infection (not the disease) is what is transmitted from one person to another. For example, AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease which can occur as a result of infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). AIDS itself cannot be transmitted from one person to another, despite reference in society and popular culture.

What happens at a sexual health clinic?

You’ll be asked a few questions about your sexual history, medication and medical conditions. This is to make sure you receive the medication that is the most appropriate for you, if you need it.

A sample may then be taken. The type of sample depends on the STI being tested for and can be in the form of urine, a swab of the urethra (the tube through which urine flows from the body), a vaginal swab, a swab from a genital sore, or blood. HIV results may be available instantly but urine and swab samples may need to be sent off to a lab, so the results will be available after a week or two. Dependent on this, you may then receive antibiotic or antiviral treatment. The service is provided confidentially, so your details are kept private and your GP won’t be informed unless you want them to be. (2)

Where can I get a home testing or treatment pack?

Because more and more sexual health clinics are closing, alternative sources of testing and treatment will experience increased demand, including online pharmacies.

At Webmed Pharmacy we offer confidential testing and treatment for a range of STIs, as can be found here.

Below are some examples of STIs for which treatment can be purchased online:


What’s the test for chlamydia?

Testing for chlamydia involves either taking a sample of urine for men, and a vaginal swab sample for women. (3)

What’s the home treatment for chlamydia?

The first line (ideal) treatment for chlamydia is an antibiotic called doxycycline. The course lasts for a week. (4)

Is the home treatment for chlamydia the same as I would get at a clinic?

Yes. Sexual health clinics, GPs and online pharmacies all follow the same guidelines. The guidelines are those issued by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, BASHH.


What’s the test for gonorrhoea?

For men, either a urine sample or a swab of the urethra. For women, a vaginal or cervical swab, and sometimes a swab of the urethra. (5)

At Webmed Pharmacy it’s a urine sample for men and a swab sample for women.

What’s the home treatment for gonorrhoea?

The home treatment is a combination of two different antibiotics, azithromycin and cefixime (Suprax), all taken as a single dose.

Is the home treatment for gonorrhoea the same as I would get at a clinic?

No, because the first line treatment for gonorrhoea is an antibiotic injection into the buttock or thigh, a procedure which is not suitable for home treatment. The home treatment is the second line. (6)


What’s the test for trichomoniasis?

In a sexual health clinic, the healthcare professional will usually examine the area for symptoms, then take a vaginal swab for women, and either a swab of the penis or a urine sample for men. (7)

The home test involves taking either a vaginal swab for women, or a urine sample for men.

What’s the home treatment for trichomoniasis?

The treatment is a course of an antibiotic called metronidazole, either taken as a 2g single dose or as a five-day course. (8)

Is the home treatment for trichomoniasis the same as I would get at a clinic?

Yes. Sexual health clinics, GPs and online pharmacies all follow the same guidelines.

Genital herpes

What’s the test for genital herpes?

Testing is undertaken in a sexual health clinic or GP surgery. It involves taking a swab of a genital sore. If no sores are present, the test can’t be carried out. (9)

What’s the home treatment for genital herpes?

Treatment does not cure genital herpes, but it can help to clear up an outbreak of sores. A five-day course of an antiviral, either aciclovir or valaciclovir, is taken. (9)

Is the home treatment for genital herpes the same as I would get at a clinic?

Yes. Sexual health clinics, GPs and online pharmacies all follow the same guidelines.

Genital warts

What’s the test for genital warts?

Testing for genital warts is done at a sexual health clinic or at your GP surgery. Diagnosis is in the form of an examination of the area. (10)

What’s the home treatment for genital warts?

Imiquimod (Aldara) cream can be used for any type of external genital warts – soft or hard, and in the genital or anal area. It is applied three times weekly for several weeks until warts have cleared. (11)

Podophyllotoxin (Warticon) is an alternative that comes as a cream or a topical solution. It can only be used on external soft warts of the genital area. It is applied for three consecutive days each week for a total of four weeks. (11)

Is the home treatment for genital warts the same as I would get at a clinic?

It depends on several factors, including how big your warts are and where they are positioned. A doctor or nurse may freeze, cut, burn or laser the warts off if topical treatments aren’t suitable or haven’t worked. (10)

How quickly can I get a test kit delivered?

If you order before 4pm Monday to Friday, then your test kit will be delivered the next working day by tracked delivery. The packaging is very discreet with no mention of the contents or who it’s from.

How quickly will I receive my test results?

The time taken for test results varies according to the test ordered.

For HIV lab tests we receive the results within 24 hours of the lab receiving your test sample.

For most other tests we receive results within 48 hours of the lab receiving your test sample.

What are the advantages of ordering online?

The advantages of ordering from us at Webmed Pharmacy are that you can order and test in the comfort of your own home at a time that is most suitable to you and receive your test results much quicker than you would from a sexual health clinic. It also saves the embarrassment of having to attend a clinic if you can still find one that’s near to where you live or work with all the recent cut-backs.  


  1. British Medical Association. Feeling the squeeze: The local impact of cuts to public health budgets in England [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  2. NHS. Visiting an STI clinic [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  3. NHS. Chlamydia – Diagnosis [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  4. NHS. Chlamydia - Treatment [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  5. NHS. Gonorrhoea – Diagnosis [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  6. NHS. Gonorrhoea – Treatment [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  7. NHS. Trichomoniasis [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  8. NHS. Trichomoniasis – Treatment [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  9. NHS. Genital herpes [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  10. NHS. Genital warts [cited 9 October 2019]. Available at:

  11. British National Formulary (version 2.1.23) [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from:

    Gabby Gallagher MPharm

    Medically reviewed by
    Superintendent pharmacist Margaret Hudson BSc(Hons) MRPharmS
     6th November 2019

Period drama on holiday? What would Lady Crawley think...

Posted 20 September 2019 in Womens health

This week’s blog is from our guest blogger Hanna, reminiscing about her summer holiday and how Aunt Flo tried to ruin it.

Summer sunbathingWell we’re into the last days of summer and as I was barbequing at the weekend in my puffy coat and bobble hat (slight exaggeration but I feel the summer’s getting shorter each year), I was wistfully thinking back to my summer holidays…
I’m renowned for leaving everything to the last minute and my holiday plans are no different. Whilst the holiday might have been booked months in advance, the panic buying of hair products, sunscreen and hangover remedies were being done in a supermarket-sweep style rush during my lunch break, on the Friday before we were due to fly. 

Finally, almost packed with over 24 hours to go – the most prepared I’ve ever been for a holiday – I’m just putting together my ‘first aid’ kit; which consists of rehydration sachets, paracetamol and aloe vera, and I find I’m down to my last four contraceptive pills for a fourteen day holiday.

Panic sets in. I’ll be on my next vaycay before I can get an appointment in at my local doctor’s and although these girls on the feminine hygiene adverts look like they’re having a whale of time; plugging their flow and dancing around in white shorts, my monthly experiences are more hormonal, spotty, bloated and all the other side effects that are not conducive to me looking hot in a bikini.

Online ordering again saves the day! And unlike the hoards of dresses that I can’t quite fit in but were too late to return, this online order will be utilised; Norethisterone. Or period delay pills, as they’re more commonly known. Three a day, started three days before you’re due on and you can take them for up to 14 days. It may have been my favourite accessory this holiday. But girls, it does not stop you getting pregnant or contracting any other venereal disease – so ensure you pack the trusty condoms too.

Buy Norethisterone online right here

#perioddelay #supermarketsweep #holidayblues

What's happened to Aindeem?

Posted 19 September 2019 in Hair Loss

Aindeem and Finasteride boxesIt’s annoying and frustrating when your favourite brand of aftershave, perfume or cosmetics is discontinued by the manufacturer and you have to change to another brand.

It’s even more disappointing and worrying when your trusted brand of medication is no longer available.

Actavis, who make the Aindeem brand of finasteride 1mg tablets have been acquired by Accord.

Accord are now manufacturing the finasteride 1mg tablets to the exact same recipe that Actavis did.

This means that all the same excipients (the inactive ingredients) used to make the Aindeem brand are being used to make the Accord brand. Each Accord tablet contains 1mg of Finasteride just like Aindeem brand.

Therefore, the tablets will be exactly the same.

The only difference is that they will now be branded “Accord” instead of “Aindeem”.

However, we understand that when our customers are taking a hair loss product that they have  confidence in and faith that it works, that they don’t want to switch to another product that they fear may not produce the same successful results.

Please be assured that the new Accord brand will produce the exact same results for you as the Aindeem brand.

When our current stock of the Aindeem brand runs out we will be supplying the Accord brand.

The advantage to you is that you will now pay less for the same tablets.

Other generic manufacturers of Finasteride may use different excipients and so they will not be exactly the same but should produce the same effect. The best way to check is to consult the patient information leaflet.

We believe in giving our customers a choice, so we will not only be stocking the Accord brand but also another generic brand that will be more competitively priced.

Don't forget to check out the Total Scalp Care page for shampoo, conditioner and Regaine Solution or Foam  at discounted prices.

Superintendent pharmacist Margaret Hudson BSc(Hons) MRPharmS
 19th September 2019

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